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Jul 16, 2020
How big is your Diamond? The #1 question she will get asked.

They don't get asked what the diamond's clarity is, nor what colour, cut grade, polish grade, symmetry grade, or fluorescence it has, etc. NOPE, they do not get those questions! The number one question and the winner is: “How big is your diamond?”.

Novita is so excited that Lab-created diamonds are now available in the diamond market. This is due to technological advances in the last 3 years. Some say that it is a full disruption to the industry while others say it’s the new era of diamonds and affordable luxury. We believe it’s both!

The days of going to your local jewellery and being forced to buy an overpriced natural diamond are numbered. More and more savvy young consumers are entering the engagement ring market with an open attitude to a much bigger diamond at less cost while being conscious that our lab grown diamonds are truly conflict free, ethically sourced, and mine-free.

She can now have the dream ring she always wanted, without breaking the bank. Instead, new couples can put money towards the deposit of a house, paying an existing one, a romantic or adventurous holiday, wedding cost, honeymoon, and the other 20 things all starting couples would rather take care of.


Our Diamonds are 70% cheaper than mined diamonds simply because of their origin. While mined diamonds originate from the ground and have a very expensive locating and extraction process, the new lab diamonds are created in the state of the art laboratories.

However, once both mined and lab diamonds are in their rough form, the processes that follow are identical. The diamonds get sorted, cut, polished, and graded by the same manufacturers and certification laboratories.


Like when Uber came into the market, taxi drivers were not happy and many years later they are still not happy. Same as Airbnb to hotels, and Amazon to book store. The same goes for man made diamonds with respect to mined diamonds. We cannot stay in the past while ecosystems get destroyed, countries in war funded by blood diamonds, bribes, and deaths in third world countries, child labour, plus price-fixing, manipulated, and overinflated diamonds by large mining corporations. Companies such as De Beers had a monopoly on the diamond market for almost a century.

Are you going to sit in the sidelines and let the technology go past because you prefer something that was in the ground for a long time rather than created in a lab over a short period? Why not make the truly ethical choice and get the big diamond she really wants?
The choice is a no brainer, they are identical in every aspect from chemical composition to brilliance.


Some people are saying that lab grown diamonds are not real diamonds. To make a lab grown diamond, you need to start with a diamond seed, a natural diamond, and the process that makes that diamond grow. Those people who are saying that lab grown diamonds are not diamonds would never say that a lab grown baby born through IVF is not a real baby or human. This is called double standards.

Another analogy is that ice which forms naturally from the sky (hail) and ice that is man made in your kitchen freezer. They are both the same, made from the same material, and do the same job (keep our drinks cool).