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Jun 09, 2020
Mined Diamonds and bad karma — Why are Lab Grown Diamonds better?
When choosing between lab grown diamonds and mined diamonds, there are plenty of factors to consider, not the least of which is the energy surrounding the stones. As evident as it is that lab diamonds are a proverbial fresh start (since they were created ethically in a laboratory), the same cannot be said for mined diamonds. 
Even if you're not superstitious, you've probably heard of karma. It's important to be aware of the negative karmic energy associated with mined diamonds for reasons that are self-evident.
With a divorce rate hovering around 50% for years, many diamonds end up re-entering the market after a failed marriage. In order to avoid negative connotations associated with divorce diamonds, unscrupulous diamond dealers often send them back to the laboratory to receive a new certificate that shows a recent date, but the inescapable truth is that these diamonds are living witnesses to a divorce. What do you want the love of your life to wear on her finger? Do you want her to wear a secondhand diamond, or do you want her to be treated to a fresh start with pristine lab grown diamonds?
Natural diamonds have the major disadvantage of being almost untraceable, unlike man made diamonds, where you can tell exactly where they originated from. The truth is that even though some mined diamonds will offer "origin certificates," these are little more than marketing tools; the industry's very nature makes diamonds almost impossible to trace.
As the saying goes, "diamonds are forever." However, there is a dark side to that phrase; while some diamonds remain family heirlooms, passed down the generations, many others are usually re-introduced into the market once the last owner has passed away. Most women don't aren’t too keen on wearing a diamond that once belonged to someone who has passed away for obvious reasons. Still, the veiled practices of the diamond industry make it almost impossible to determine who the previous owner was.


In many first-world countries, child labour laws are strict; however, this is not the case in most diamond-mining regions. It is often the case that child labour and even slave labour are used to mine diamonds in Africa. Hence an innocent purchase of a natural diamond by an unsuspecting customer could directly propagate the continued exploitation and human abuse that is so integral to the diamond mining industry.



There is no denying that diamonds are very lucrative, and as is usually the case, money wins over eco-consciousness any day of the week. There are several ways in which mining damages the environment. It destroys ecosystems, contaminates water supplies, destroys forests, and disrupts farming. With every mined diamond that enters the market, the world suffers greatly; negativity is engendered.

Obviously, none of these issues applies to lab grown diamonds. Considering that man made diamonds are made outside of conflict zones and definitely, without child labour or environmental damage, they are the only choice for those looking to make a positive impact with their purchases. Additionally, because synthetic diamonds are so new, they are almost impossible to find secondhand. Giving someone a ring is a huge deal, but the last thing you want is bad karma following your loved one due to your purchasing decision. Choose a lab grown diamond instead, so you can be confident your new diamond will bring nothing but happiness.